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Rouge Cell Tower Hunting

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 6:57 am
by js7082634
Rouge Cell Tower Hunting-- Rouge cellphone towers i.e.(stingray's & other cell tower simulators) are a security problem, Is there a way on the app to flag actual tower locations? I can tell by looking at a map of my area that someone's running 'man in the middle' attacks there's too many cell phone towers. I'd like to start hunting down the location of these types of devices.

Re: Rouge Cell Tower Hunting

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 3:34 pm
by arkasha
Check out the EFF's projects (which incorporate WiGLE data) for rogue cell tower identification:

it's generally unlikely someone is creating unlicensed cell towers or operating cell site simulators, the penalties for this are quite serious.