Ok here is an issue that you may have accidentally overlooked in their
Q. I cant get StreetStumbler to read my .NS1 files, what gives?
A. Try and Try as you may, StreetStumbler will NOT, I repeat, will NOT read .NS1 files. They are proprietary to NetStumbler. StreetStumbler was designed from the ground up to be able to use both full and summary EXPORTS of NetStumbler logs. Please consult NetStumbler on how to Export files."
This is not 100% true as marius released his NS1 file structure here:
... but that is neither here nor there in your situation. It looks like you have to export your ns1 file using netstumbler to summary export first before trying to use streetstumbler2004. Also it doesn't exactly explain that it works with Street and Trips 2005 or the more recent Streets and Trips 2006.
So try and export your NS1 to Summary using NetStumbler and give it another go. You may have better results. Check out the rest of their FAQ: such as regarding where the converted data is saved to! Keep us updated
Israel Torres
Hi, not sure why I'm posting to such an old thread, other than to help others research this topic...
StreetStumbler works just fine on MS S&T (Microsoft Streets and Trips) 2006. In essence, what StreetStumbler does, is export your data into a CSV file, that can then be "imported" into s&T using the menus...
When you open a NetStumbler summary file in StreetStumbler, and it doesn't do anything, then there is something wrong with the file. I had this problem when using NS1 files generated in WiFiFoFum that I then opend in NetStumbler and did a summary export (WiFiFoFum works on my PDA/Phone but MiniStumbler doesn't but WiFiFoFum does save NS1 files if requested to do so)
. If you open a correct file, your first hint that it's working is that you will get a summary of the information in the file as shown in the attached image.
As was pointed out, S&T is basically MapPoint minus some advanced features like Scripting support so, in S&T you can't "live" plot your WiFi Access points from NetStumbler, where as with MapPoint (and I belive Jiggle/Diggle also) you can, assuming you are running the correct script in netstumbler. I've also recently started working on achieving the same setup in linux using Kismet and GPS drive using expedia maps, but I haven't quite got it perfected yet, but once my car gets out of the shop, I think it will be ready, and I'll give it a go, and if there is any interest, I'll write a step by step including how to download your initial maps using the included perl scripts) on FC5... It was a LONG process getting all the required libraries, but most were obtainable via YUM, and the others atleast available via RPM (using obscure sources).
N-e-Ways, Sorry about bumping an old thread, but I figured someone could get use out of the info.
-HUGGS- and Keep On Stumbling,