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KNSGEM released -- Kismet NS1 to Google earth boundary plots

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:02 pm
by scruge
If you like mapping the networks you've stumbled you might like to try Knsgem.

It processes your NS1 and Kismet csv, xml and gps files into Google Earth 3D boundary plots.

Re: KNSGEM released -- Kismet NS1 to Google earth boundary p

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 11:39 pm
by mark571
If you like mapping the networks you've stumbled you might like to try Knsgem.

It processes your NS1 and Kismet csv, xml and gps files into Google Earth 3D boundary plots.
Good job!

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:10 am
by futaris
Now all we need is for someone to adapt Irongeek's Wigle to Google Earth Script to generate a dynamic KML for Google Earth.

It just needs to make use of the API, rather than parse a file...

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 3:08 pm
by scruge
Now all we need is for someone to adapt Irongeek's Wigle to Google Earth Script to generate a dynamic KML for Google Earth.
I don't know what you mean by dynamic, as in realtime? I'm not sure GE can process dynamic data.
It just needs to make use of the API, rather than parse a file...
Irongeek's script already converts wigle's single point data to GE. Why would we need another?

Only 25% of knsgem's code is dedicated to parsing.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 9:39 pm
by futaris
Dynamic KML as in, when I scroll around in Google Earth, it will automatically query the Wigle server, for a certain range of long/latitude.

e.g. Placeopedia -

I think there was another thread about this earlier... But the last reply to that thread was ~3 months ago.[/url]

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 10:37 pm
by Dutch
Dynamic KML as in, when I scroll around in Google Earth, it will automatically query the Wigle server, for a certain range of long/latitude.

e.g. Placeopedia -

I think there was another thread about this earlier... But the last reply to that thread was ~3 months ago.[/url]
Since A) There isn't an official WiGLE Database API (Everytime the acronyms "API" and "WiGLE" are put together in a sentence, a tiny kitten screams in pain and dies, somewhere in the San Francisco area), and B) the WiGLE database aren't geared to a continous pull of data by large amount of anonymous clients, it ain't going to happen.

At least thats my understanding from the threads regarding that issue, and the talks on the Wigle IRC channel.


Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 11:44 pm
by briefnotio
Love the idea, not so sure about the practicality and a bit out of reach. I've been working on a poor mans version of a GPSr live positioning in GE, found here Looking for testers.