would you guys ever think about making the mappacks by state?
Unless the state is Rhode Island or Maryland they would get rather unmanageable to download or to navigate. As it is I believe both JiGLE and DiGLE will scroll from map to map automaticlly if you have the adjacent map in the pull down.
If you want to download all of the maps there is a simple method. Goto the states' page, view the source. Edit it into a batch file or shell script depending on your OS, and use WGET to make the requests. Then just launch the script.
I'd love to be able to somehow automate or script the geting of the new updated points for all loaded/installed counties though. Since I use both DiGLE and JiGLE (They interpolate the data with different features or at least seem to.) I have to load the data for 15 or so counties....twice.
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